Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Play Ball! Jackson's first t-ball practice

Along with soccer, Jackson now has t-ball twice a week (and soon summer swimming too!). His first t-ball practice was on a beautiful spring day in Peoria. Mom, dad and Charlie came to help and cheer him on (despite the feet of freshly mowed grass, which was killing mom's allergies!).

Jackson is playing t-ball through the Christian Center. It is a wonderful program. They start and end with a prayer and also have bible verses to memorize each week. They also encourage parental involvement and practice. It was great. As parents, we learned drills to practice with our kids to help them with the fundamentals of t-ball.

They divided up the kids into two teams: the Rays and the Pirates. We were thrilled when Jackson got assigned to the Pirate Team! Ahoy! He got his new shirt and cap, and this weekend we'll be getting his pants, batting helmet, bag and other necessities.

Jackson's coach is a member of St. Vincent's and plays Basketball with Brian on Sunday evenings. There are a few other classmates of Jackson's on the team, which makes it fun.

Charlie is fascinated with Jackson and his friends. I've noticed that Charlie loves to play with balls -- in the bathtub and elsewhere. He also likes to throw things and then chase after the object. The baseball was an instant hit with Charlie and he had a blast playing "catch" with mommy while Jackson and daddy did their drills.


We are having fun with all of Jackson's activities and we are trying to stay on top of his busy schedule. T-ball goes through June and summer YMCA swim team starts up soon. We can't wait. Jackson will have practice every morning (except in cases of thunderstorms). Looks as though our summer will be swim team in the morning, pool in the afternoon and t-ball practice/games in the evening. Not a bad life!

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