Sunday, February 22, 2009

Spring cleaning/midwestern sanity?

Unlike the perpetual drizzle in the Seattle area, the Midwest gets cold...cold and dirty. When it snows, there is not only snow, but snow, salt, sand and grit. It gets onto your car, your clothes, your garage and your home. The gray dirt gets everywhere.

By February you can almost hear the collective cry: "Uncle!" Everyone is ready to get rid of the gray and trade it in for some green (the real green...not the environmental craze). I digress again!

Anyhoo -- getting rid of the grit, also entails getting rid of the dirt and grim that has snuck into your home while you were warming your hands. The dirt -- once the daylight lingers-- is highlighted in all the dark little areas that have been harboring dust bunnies and gross fluffs of dog hair.

On Thursday, I cried "Uncle". I had enough of the Midwestern grit and dirt. I armored myself with a mop, my vacuum, Lysol, a duster and a few hundred garbage bags and went to town. I had prepared myself for a morning of bible study, but Charlie went down for an early nap. Knowing that I only had a short amount of time I tackled the clutter and dirt methodically. It felt great. It was better than prescription drugs! This de-cluttering had me on a euphoric high! With an evil little laugh cackling in my head I dumped broken toys, old papers, and a myriad of out-dated clothes. Wa ha ha ha! (that's the evil laugh). I dusted, vacuumed, mopped and even cleaned out my fridge! The joy!!!!!! A clean house. -- temporary, but clean!

The cleaning continued after picking up Jackson from school. I popped Charlie and Jackson in the tub together to clean them both. Dirty nails and hair for Jackson and spit up remnants for Charlie. What I didn't expect with my cleaning frenzy was the shear joy I'd derive from watching my two boys play together in the tub together.

It was the end of a long and productive day and I was spent. I had hoped to clean the boys much like I'd cleaned the rest of the house. However, once the two boys were in the tub I had to sit down and watch. They were so cute. Jackson is the best older brother, protecting and cuddling Charlie. Charlie, on the other hand, is experiencing everything. He smiles at Jackson, shrieks with delight and splashes his hands in the water. Even though five years separate the two of them, they know innately that they are brothers and they smile that knowing family smile at each other. It reminded me of a time when I got to bathe with my older sister (6 years older). We sat in the tub and relaxed with some bubble bath and bubble gum. My parents still have the picture and it still warms my heart to think of those innocent times.

I love seeing life through the eyes of my boys. I know that while I have other "duties" to tend to...the sneak peak of brotherly delight through their eyes is a god-given treat. I'm sure that in a blink of an eye I will wake up one day and they will be grown and out the door. Memories of bath time will soon be forgotten, or at minimum, replaced (by them, not me).

So today I cleaned out the clutter to make room for the important things: Two boys in a tub. Enjoying life and enjoying being brothers.

I'm so blessed.

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