Monday, December 15, 2008

I'll Be Home For Christmas...

Welcome to our family's new blog! I chose the name for several reasons. First, my full name is Leslie Louise Lewallen. "Lulu" was adopted as a knickname by a few close friends. Next, my husband, Brian Lewallen, was called "Lew" in highschool and college. The name I think even stuck around through law school. Anyway, Lulu and Lew's Life will be a blog just about that: our life.

We currently reside in Peoria, Illinois with our two sons: Jackson Marshall Lewallen (5 1/2), and Charles Walker Lewallen (6 months). We also have two little dogs: Duke and Duchess. They are Papillon dogs and I have resolved never again to own dogs. I sincerely believe they are as much work (if not more) than children. The only good thing is that on "normal" days (any day where the temp is above 10 degrees), I can leave them outside.

Brian works for CAT as Corporate Counsel in the environmental and regulatory division, and I have taken time off from the law to focus on my boys. For "work" outside the home, I teach a group fitness class and have gone into business with a friend who custom-designs caps/hats. See: I help with sales/marketing and also write copy for her. It's been so much fun to be a part of it! Beyond that, I'm busy with they typical parental duties and chasing down small dogs who have escaped the invisible fence.

With both extended families still living in Washington, we fly home frequently. While most people groan, take anxiety medications, or simply forget about flying, we have become quasi-experts on traveling with children. We love to travel, and have gotten flying and driving down to a near science. Best advice: expect the unexpected.

We fly out of Chicago on Thursday to head back to Mercer Island, Washington for two weeks! We are very excited.

In the meantime, we have plenty to get organized. Tonight is Jackson's School's Christmas Program. Watch for pictures to be uploaded soon!

Merry Christmas from Lulu and Lew's Life!
(a.k.a. Leslie and Brian Lewallen).

1 comment:

  1. I actually decided to change the name to Leslie and Lew's life -- to make things easier.
